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Impact Mapping Workshop with Gojko Adzic

30 September 2017

On 27 September 2017 I participated at the full-day Impact Mapping workshop which took place at Skills Matter in London. This post is a summary of how I experienced it.


Introduction 9:00-9:30

Group exercise - Create Plan

Problem: the existing legacy application is an information gateway for music-related events. It serves Music Fans (mostly young people getting updates about their favourite bands or events) and Event Organisers (newsletters, lists of attendees, analytics).

The legacy application uses email as a delivery channel which presents us with the following challenges:

Imagine you’re in charge of a full rewrite project. You’ve got a big budget and people. You’re expected to restore confidence we can deliver something. Create a plan of work for the next 5 iterations.

Our answers:

Idea: when working on brain-storming-like, creative, innovative tasks - split people into groups and they will create similar but different ideas:

Group exercise - Sell Your Plan To All Groups

Compare plans for the 3 groups:

Generally, when comparing things, it’s easy to interpret them in a way that justifies our (biased) position.

Story from Gojko:

Group exercise - What To Measure?

So how do we know our work plan is going to improve things?

Gojko referenced Ron’s work:

Task for participants:

Our answers:

Comment from Gojko:

Gojko quoting Douglas Hubbard’s book How to Measure Anything:

So which metrics do we want to focus on now (in our current stage):

Most of software projects suffer from the Underpants Gnomes syndrome (from South Park):

Underpants Gnomes syndrome

Reference to a document: Why FBI can’t build a case management system? by Jerome Israel

Reference to a book:

From the book Lean Analytics - good metrics change depending which stage a project is in:

Hence, using this model we can see:

When deciding what to work on next possible categories are:

Don’t prioritise features (it’s hard/impossible to do well). Prioritise business goals:

Question from a participant:

Anthony wrote a book What customers want? about his lesson that costed him $1.7bln:

A hierarchical model:

User Stories:

Group exercise - Define Behaviour Changes

Examples from the participants (some crossed out by Gojko to indicate: not helpful in solving the problems from Exercise Description):

Common mistakes:

Question from the participants: Isn’t it hard to measure some metrics in software systems?

Answer: If you design systems with metrics in mind, it becomes easier to measure them (just like with testability in Test-Driven Development)

Group exercise - Redo “Create Plan” Exercise

New Goal Statement: let’s assume that our business decided the most important thing for now is to “protect the existing revenue” (other possible goals being, e.g. “moving to the new business model”). Then the 2 behaviour changes we chose to focus on were:

Having the new goal and the 2 behaviour changes in mind, we changed our plan:

If the 2 first features get Music Fans to change their behaviour in acceptable way (e.g., 20% or more clicks), we can stop development there and move on to the next behaviour change supporting our Goal.

Common mistakes:

The Deliverables (User Stories) from our plan can be further split, e.g. by degree of an Impact or by Actors - just deliver SMS notifications to people in London (it simplifies the feature to be just 1 SMS gateway and 1 language only). Location can be chosen for many reasons:

Impact Maps

Quote: Magic happens in the Impacts

2 ways to create Impact Maps:

Common mistakes with Impact Maps:

Group exercise - Decide Goals, Actors, Impacts, Deliverables

Assume “more clicks” behaviour change is achieved. Now we want to do more (cut-outs pieces should be assembled into an Impact Map)


Answers: : Impact Mapping cheatsheet explaining Goals, Actors, Impacts and Deliverables




Order of Goals:


Example of Perspectives - Google Homepage:

“Music Fans will unsubscribe less frequently” is a behaviour change that’s always wanted. The question is “does it support our primary Goal”?

To test Impact Maps a question can be asked:

Group exercise - Create Impact Map For a Goal

Pick goal “Reduce reliance on a single channel (5-10% messages not email, click rates OK”) and create an Impact Map for it.




We can compare Deliverables only if:

We can deliver some Deliverables only for a subset of users:

Craig Larman defines 2 kinds of User Stories:

3 dimensions to fail:

According to Tim Harford’s book Adapt successful plans consist of 3 ingredients called the Palchinsky Principles:

Question from the participants: “What if my senior tells me I absolutely have to do US1, US2, …, US20 and leaves no room for changes”

Answer: respond “yes, but in what order?” Once engaged in discussion they will notice that perhaps not all the User Stories were needed (or that more was needed to make an impact)

2 sides of Impact Mapping:

Business people tend to be much more engaged and make better decisions when prioritising at the level of goals and impacts rather than software features.

Question: I’m working on a rewrite project…

Answer: Pretend that I can give you the rewritten application right now. If that happens, whose behaviour will be easier to change?


Cost of delay:

Measurements and Milestones - from Tom Gilb’s book Competitive Engineering:

Gojko has once facilitated a workshop in which 20 Goals were created. By discussing measurements and targets 17 of them were dropped - they weren’t that important.

Group exercise - Reverse Engineer Underpants Gnomes Situation

How to demonstrate that a chosen Goal is wrong and misleading?

Let’s assume a Goal was picked:

And Deliverables were asked for:

To prove the Goal is nonsense:

In our case the Impacts of the Deliverables will be, e.g.:

In our case the metrics to identify failure points:


More details on Goal refinement: here

4 ways to use Impact Maps

Gojko met up with Ingrid Domingues and Johan Berndtsson link1 link2 to compare how people use Impact Mapping:

Depends on 2 factors:

Good ATMI, small COBW (Iterate)

Poor ATMI, small COBW (Align)

Good ATMI, serious COBW (Experiment)

Poor ATMI, serious COBW (Discover)

Story Mapping ties back to Impact Mapping:

Behaviour changes allow to:

How Google changed colour of links on their Homepage:

Introducing Impact Mapping at work

Question: how to deal with people who “don’t want to play post-its?”


Wrap up 16:00-17:00


Thanks to