This post is meant to be a point of reference for the upcoming year, that is to track my own progress (or lack of it) in the future.
Paired (as in Pair Programming):
- remotely with 3 persons (thanks to Avdi Grimm's
- locally with ~30-40 people (rough estimate - forgot to count it ;-))
Most influential discoveries:
- Open-Closed Principle - from Sandi Metz (explained in her
training course, summary
here)</br />
- Tiny Steps of Refactoring - from Katrina Owen (explained in Sandi Metz's
training course, summary
here)</br />
- Object-Oriented Design Process - from Sandi Metz (explained in her
training course, summary
here)</br />
- Limiting Red Time (not compile, failing tests) - from Gary Bernhardt,
Joshua Kerievsky,
Danilo Sato, Carlos Ble and others</br />
- professionally in: Java, JavaScript, Scala
- for fun in: Ruby, Bash
- ...and very briefly in: Python, C#, Objective-C, Clojure
New frameworks and tools attempted in professional projects:
- Kanban</br />
And finally read/watched way to many blog posts, articles, interviews, conference talks, etc :)