During 15-18 June I participated at the SoCraTes UK 2017 (Software Craftsmanship and Testing) unconference which took place at Wotton House Wotton House in Dorking. This post is a summary of how I experienced it.
Thursday, 15th June
The evening was spent pairing with Iulian Ghionoiu on the Roman Numerals kata with 2 twists: we wanted to use property-based testing (we tried Kotlintest for Kotlin) and to evolve the requirements for the conversion (as though the final version of the Roman/Arabic numbers hasn’t been discovered yet). The evolution meant starting with only I’s (scratching a piece of wood or carving a line in the stone?). Then, we tried to imagine what problems that representation presented before coming up with solutions. The problems were:
countability (ten I’s carved next to each other blur into each other when trying to count them) -> solution: introduce new symbols that look different like V (note that V here stands for one and can be placed at any position)
additivity (even though we have a visually different character, we still have to spend time counting each single one) -> solution: make some symbols stand for more than 1. At that point V could become to mean 2, 3, 5 etc. Generally the more people had to count, the more symbols they need
comparability (even though we have relatively short ‘roman’ numbers due to characters representing different values, we still can’t compare them easily) -> solution: introduce order of symbols so that it’s obvious at one glance two representations are the same (like. IIXIX == XIIIX, so let’s write them as XXIII or IIIXX)
One other fun twist was that we were test-driving 2 functions simultaneously (convertRomanToArabic() and convertArabicToRoman()) by starting with the property-based test, which locked them to have to change at the same time:
Friday, 16th June
10:00 in Azalea - Alistair Smith - Help me model my domain (DDD)
core domain, support domain, generic domain - focus on core
ubiquitous language is shared with all parties. But there will be internal things that you have to name that your users/business won’t get to see
11:00 in Azalea - Oliver Nautsch - Consumer Driven Contracts (CDC)
ask your clients what they need (some people don’t like it)
format: code first + then discussion (was effective in Oliver’s experience)
that project used CDC because they were splitting a monolith
they also used some integrated testing after running CDC but not too much (testing pyramid)
their integrated tests were quick (things were orchestrated with Kubernates)
3 ideas how to share CDC in an organisation:
1) Check in directly into Provider’s repository
2) Have Provider download the latest zip of your pacts from artifactory
3) Have Consumer build automatically commit in the Provider’s repository
12:00 in the garden - Aki Salmi - Opinions about opinions (being opinionated)
it’s not emotions to suppress, it’s attachment to opinions
listen to body language to see when emotions arise (at which point I stop listening)
try to make it win-win (rather than compromise, or pushing your own opinions)
try thinking in terms of pros and cons (and trade-offs) rather than right or wrong
even if you have heard arguments of the other camp (e.g. outside-in testing vs bottom-up), still listen to your vis-a-vis to understand why their opinion is particularly important for them in this very context
listen to their opinion first, rephrase their opinion with your own words
things just are (they’re neither right nor wrong)
Aki runs training in organisations on “how to listen to others”
opinions are a quest to understand the other person (so that they get the experience of being truly understood)
what if my opinions don’t matter to anybody… except of me?
how to test systems which correctness depends on the data, given production data is sensitive and cannot be used by the development team
e.g. do long names from the database render gracefully in the GUI
e.g. handling Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese etc. characters
e.g. performance of queries might depend on the data shape
a solution might be “Clean Door + Dirty Door” (IBM Bios table of interrupts), where the Clean Door team (having access to production data) can run algorithms prepared by the Dirty Door team (development team) which will characterise the production data, e.g. longest name, what encodings are used, distribution of first names (apparently one third of European first names start with “j”), etc. Then the Dirty Door team will implement a data generator which matches the production characteristics.
17:00 in Wotton - Retrospective
useful when learning a programming language -> Exercism (should teach idiomatic solutions)
machine learning - simple maths that predicts the curve and calculates the cost function (how far is the guess curve from the reality) and then does the “gradient descent” to minimise the cost function
Microservices have a huge cost (you can’t even experiment with it like with a single codebase) so let’s stress test our design:
what would happen if Price Service goes down?
how many HTTP calls do we have to make per single user request?
when I’m in Spain but want to deliver to London, how does that impact things I’m adding to basket?
can I deal with multiple delivery companies?
… if these things cause ripple effect across multiple applications and it’s EXTREMELY hard to change these things with microservices
… if a microservices in the sequence diagram does only 1 thing, is its existence justified
… perhaps I could merge microservices based on the availability (they both have to be up together in order for the whole webapp to be usable)
… if Sales and Promotions are done by different people, putting them in one microservice might mean that the team in charge won’t have easy access to one of the groups (Conway’s Law)
first discuss with business people and different teams, what are the main features (it might take 3 hours to come up with 12 bullet points)
draw sequence diagrams for these features ,with vertical blocks being just concepts (rather than applications) -> just to get understanding how it works
extract bounded contexts and then group them by first- and second-level (ex. below)
should Tax bounded context be a microservices, or just a component within Pricing Service?
if in doubt, keep them together (perhaps later extract when they grow)
different “channels” (web, mobile, etc) you might be getting different first-level bounded contexts
if company has already microservices (and they’re struggling with them), just do this exercice as though you were starting from scratch (perfect scenario) and then compare current design with the perfect and see how you can evolve there
14:00 in Azalea - Ian Russell - Strategic Domain Driven Design
learning to differentiate concepts by a machine-learning-like technique
e.g. how to differentiate between two kinds of sparrows that we don’t know anything about. Instead of conscious learning, we’re presenting our brain with a big sample of images of each kind and the right answers. At some point the brain will figure out what the difference is (sometimes even without being conciously aware of it)
apparently the sounds produced by church bells in England are algorithmic. The sequence of notes is constantly changed by swapping the position of each two adjacent bells (or otherwise) so that each iteration results in a new sequence. The trick is to come back to the original sequence with each iteration being unique.
Next year
take a rucksack to carry around a laptop and a charger
Thanks to
Matthew Butt for his fantastic facilitation of the event
Johan Martinsson for explaining his Accelerated Learning session at the dinner
Riccardo Novaglia for being superkind and offering me a lift to London
all the participants for the sessions, conversations and lots of fun