Pawel Duda github twitter

2014 Summary

25 December 2014

This post is meant to be a point of reference for the upcoming year, that is to track my own progress (or lack of it) in the future.


Paired (as in Pair Programming):
- remotely with 3 persons (thanks to Avdi Grimm's #pairwithme)
- locally with ~30-40 people (rough estimate - forgot to count it ;-))

Most influential discoveries:
- Open-Closed Principle - from Sandi Metz (explained in her training course, summary here)</br /> - Tiny Steps of Refactoring - from Katrina Owen (explained in Sandi Metz's training course, summary here)</br /> - Object-Oriented Design Process - from Sandi Metz (explained in her training course, summary here)</br /> - Limiting Red Time (not compile, failing tests) - from Gary Bernhardt, Joshua Kerievsky, Danilo Sato, Carlos Ble and others</br />
- professionally in: Java, JavaScript, Scala
- for fun in: Ruby, Bash
- ...and very briefly in: Python, C#, Objective-C, Clojure

New frameworks and tools attempted in professional projects:
- Kanban</br />

Attended Conferences/Trainings/Meetups:
- Practical Object Oriented Design with Sandi Metz and Matt Wynne (by Kickstart Academy)
- SoCraTes UK 2014 Unconference (International Software Craftsmanship Gathering)
- XP Day 2014 London Unconference
- Global Day of Code Retreat 2014 at Pivotal Labs, London
- The Limits of Tell Don't Ask by James Byatt
- Hands-on Sessions: Back to basics with TDD with Samir Talwar & Goncalo Silva (by LSCC)
- Hands-on Sessions: Refactoring Legacy Code with Mashooq Badar & Robert Taylor (by LSCC)
- Hands-on Sessions: Learning another discipline with Goncalo Silva & Pedro M. Santos (by LSCC)
- Hands-on Sessions: Refactoring Legacy Code: From Push to Pull with Nicole Rauch (by LSCC)
- Software Craftsmanship Round Tables (by LSCC)
- Software Craftsmanship Talks at SkillsMatter (by LSCC)
- Evening Code and Coffee / Craft Beer (by LSCC)
- all but one Extreme Programmers London meetups (by Rachel Davies)
- Hackathon HackTheTower (by London Java Community)
- Hackathon: LambdaBehave Hackday <(by London Java Community)
- eXtreme Tuesdays Club
- some SkillsMatter talks

Seen live:
- Uncle Bob ("TDD is Alive, Well, and Growing", "The Future of Agile If Any")
- Bob Marshall ("Seven Changes To Improve Flow")

Read books:
- Extreme Programming Explained 1st ed. by Kent Beck
- 4 Rules of Simple Design by Corey Haines
- ... and partially bunch of other ones :)

Watched podcasts/screencasts:
- TDD Screencasts by JB Rainsberger
- Clean Coders (all new episodes) by Uncle Bob
- Ruby Rogues
- Ruby Tapas by Avdi Grimm

And finally read/watched way to many blog posts, articles, interviews, conference talks, etc :)